The old saying goes, "a cluttered home is the result of a cluttered mind", but did you know that too much "stuff" can keep you from experiencing a life filled with romance?

A home is a reflection of the people that live within. If you have filled your living space to capicity then you may be experiencing stagnation in your relationships! In Feng Shui, the energy that flows through each and everything on earth is called Ch'i. As Ch'i flows through your space it can be hindered by too many things blocking its path. What does this do? Creates stagnation in your life and even in your relationships!

To keep your life open to love and romance try a few of these simple ideas:

Make room from someone in your life! Clear out closets, makes space in a drawer and relocate excess pillows off of your bed! If each and every space that someone could share with you is packed full, then your energy is room for someone else!

Cook with love:

The kitchen is the heart of the home and the fire energy that your stove puts off can flame the fires of romance! Take the time to bake some goodies for family and friends every so often. Not only will you be nurturing the relationships that you already have, you will be igniting new feelings of warmth and giving. What an attractive quality!

Spend time on you:

I can't say this often enough. The key to any successful relationship is to first love yourself. Declutter your mind by taking a few moments each day to relax, unwind and restore your positive energy. Creating a clearly focused mind will help you to determine exactly what you are seeking in a mate and create a clear vision of the life you desire!

The more you actively take steps to create a positive mindset and make room in your life for someone special, the higher your energy will be and the better your attractiveness will become! Devote the time that you require to nurturing yourself and you will be amazed how quickly you will see positive changes taking place in your love life!